As the seasons change, we prepare for new beginnings. On July 31, we officially said, "See you soon" to Pastor Tom Bower and his wife, Jean, as they prepare to return to Egypt to continue their work in education, and welcome to Pastor Kerry Carson and his wife, Marijke, as they join us through the end of the year until the Bowers return.
After much deliberation, we have decided to alter our Sunday school and church service times to better meet the needs of our congregation. Beginning on Sunday, September 4, church services will begin at 10:30 AM. Sunday school will kick off for another year of fun on Sunday, September 11 and will meet from 9:15 - 10:15 AM. All children who are potty trained and age 3 or older are welcome to join our youth Sunday school class. Adult Sunday school classes will also resume on the 11th. Adult Bible study will start a new series with Pastor Kerry on Monday, September 19 at 6:30 PM entitled, "A Walk Through the Bible." According to Pastor Kerry, after completing this series, learners will be able to work their way through the Bible with a greater knowledge base in a matter of minutes. As we close out the month of August, we want to acknowledge the joy we were able to celebrate today as a congregation. In July of 2021, the Music and Worship Committee made the recommendation to our Session that we invest in a new piano for the sanctuary and dedicate it in honor of John Finical III, who shared his love of music and the Lord with our congregation for many years. One year later, the piano arrived. Today we had the honor of celebrating John's legacy with members of his family. We are so blessed to have been able to share so many great moments and memories with John and his family over the years and are thankful to have this beautiful reminder of some of the most important things he cherished during his time here on earth.
August 2024
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