Earlier this month we described upcoming changes to our service and Sunday school times to best serve our congregation. On Sunday, August 29th, we were presented with the opportunity to support a fellow church in need by sharing a pastor for the next few months. In order to make this new plan function, we adjusted our original plans from a September time change to an August carry-over. We are blessed to have the resources and ability to help others. Please see the chart below for a detailed description of our new plan going forth. In the meantime, we can't wait to see you all in September and hope you have a wonderful week!
As we prepare for the new Sunday school season, changes are being made.
(If you would like to be added to our Sunday school mailing list, please leave us a message at 641-484-3522 or send us an email at [email protected] with your name, contact information, and age(s) of your child(ren)). |
August 2024
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